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Sarah C Yoga Group

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Christine Mature Model

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A former model who was introduced to society figures by the osteopath Stephen Ward. In June 1961, when Keeler was 19, Ward introduced Keeler to John Profumo at a party at the Buckinghamshire stately home, Cliveden.

Wiedinmyer developed the Fire INventory from NCAR (FINN),[2] "a high resolution global fire emissions model now used by local, regional, and global chemical modelers to better quantify the impacts of fire emissions on atmospheric composition, both in hindsight and forecast model applications."[3] She used the model to estimate that the 2010 Russian wildfires liberated 22 teragrams of carbon monoxide, though this amount was less than the cumulative carbon monoxide emissions of 2012 and 2003.[4] Wiedinmyer discovered that in the long run, controlled burning of forests will produce up to sixty percent less carbon dioxide emissions compared to the full-fledged wildfires they prevented. Undergrowth will be destroyed by the controlled burns while carbon-rich mature trees survive. Without removing the undergrowth, wildfires can quickly escalate out of control using the undergrowth as fuel, and then burn down mature trees as well.[5][6]

Prior to joining The Cambridge Group, Christine worked at Trinity Pharma Solutions, a healthcare consulting and data management firm. While at Trinity, Christine managed client relationships and focused on delivering data driven insights. She led a range of projects, from helping small start-ups launch their first products to optimizing sales force efficiency for large manufacturers with mature, blockbuster medications.

Across the life course, alcohol use reaches its peak for most individuals during young adulthood, and use at this time is associated with many acute negative consequences and potential longer-term effects. During this period, changes in alcohol use and heavy drinking have been found to be a function of social role status and contexts. Young adults, on average, tend to mature out of heavy drinking as they enter their mid/late-20's and take on new roles and responsibilities. However, the high prevalence of problematic drinking among those in their late teens and early/mid-20s, including being at highest lifetime risk for having an alcohol or substance use disorder, suggests that as a field we need to better understand not only major life changes (e.g., marriage, parenting), but also the many smaller life changes that occur during young adulthood. Very little is known about the micro-transitions of young adulthood, or the incremental steps/transitions (e.g., dropping out of school, starting/ending jobs, starting/ending relationships, relationships increasing in seriousness, moving in/out with parents, friends, romantic partners) that comprise major role transitions, including the perceived characteristics of these roles and transitions, and the impact on immediate and long-term changes in alcohol use and consequences. We need to develop and test models of risk that can lead to specific intervention strategies for hazardous alcohol use and consequences. The proposed research focuses on alcohol use during young adulthood and investigates empirical evidence for two developmental models that have been posited to explain why alcohol use increases during young adulthood: the Transitions Catalyst Model and the Transitions Overload Model. The long-term objectives of the proposed project are to extend prior research by taking a finer-grained approach with monthly assessments of young adults (N = 800, 18-25 years old, recruited via social networking) across two years and bi-annual surveys in Year 3 (total of 26 data points) to understand: 1) the multitude of social role micro-transition and characteristics of these transitions both within and between domains and the impact on alcohol use and consequences, 2) whether changes in alcohol use precede or follow micro-transitions, and whether this is a function of changing drinking motives, and 3) how distinct profiles of role transitions


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