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Custom Nether Landscape

  • Nether portalCan generate in existing chunks?Yes, when a player goes through a portal and there is no active portal within 128 blocks of the matching coordinateConsists ofObsidian

  • Nether Portal

A nether portal is a manufactured structure that acts as a gateway between the Overworld and the Nether dimensions.

Custom Nether Landscape

A nether portal is built as a vertical, rectangular frame of obsidian (45 minimum, 2323 maximum). The four corners of the frame are not required, but portals created by the game always include them, resulting in 4 free/extra obsidian. The obsidian can be placed in any manner, e.g. by placing mined obsidian, by completing a ruined portal, or by casting it in place using lava and water. Adjacent portals can share obsidian blocks. A nether portal cannot be built horizontally like an end portal.

Once a frame is constructed, it is activated by fire placed inside the frame. This creates portal blocks inside the frame, resembling a vortex. The fire can be placed in any manner, including use of flint and steel or a fire charge, the impact of a fireball or small fireball, a lightning strike, or natural spread of fire to flammable material adjacent to the portal. Nether portals can be activated only in the Overworld or the Nether; they cannot be activated in the End and customized dimensions.

Most entities can travel through portals, including mobs (except the wither and ender dragon), thrown items, and transportation without passengers (neither mobs nor player)[1], including boats, minecarts and horses. Unlike players, other entities travel through portals instantly, and once they reach the other side, there is a cool-down time for 300 game ticks (15 seconds), in which they cannot go through any nether portals. Therefore, an entity can only travel though nether portals again, once it is not touching any nether portal for 15 seconds. In Bedrock Edition, a parrot on the player's shoulder prevents the player from going through the portal.[2]

Zombified piglins have a chance to spawn on the bottom frame of the portal in the Overworld in Java Edition if any nether portal block above receives a block tick. In Bedrock Edition they spawn in certain squares adjacent to the portals in the Overworld, not inside them. Zombified piglins spawned in this way have a full 15-second portal cooldown, meaning they can't go through the portal they are spawned in unless they leave the portal for a while. They spawn twice as often on Normal difficulty as on Easy, and three times as often on Hard difficulty as on Easy. No other mobs can be spawned by nether portals in this way, in any dimension.

Whenever an entity is teleported through a nether portal, the chunk at the linked portal gets load ticket with load level of 30, meaning that it is fully loaded and can process entities. This load level also spreads to adjacent chunks but they get lower for each chunk. This results in 8 more fully loaded "entity ticking" chunks with gradually fewer loaded chunks further out.

If that fails, too, a portal is forced at the target coordinates, but with Y constrained to be between 70 and 10 less than the world height (i.e. 118 for the Nether or 246 for the Overworld). When a portal is forced in this way, a 23 platform of obsidian with air 3 high above is created at the target location, overwriting whatever might be there. This provides air space underground or a small platform if high in the air. In Bedrock Edition, these obsidian blocks are flanked by 4 more blocks of netherrack on each side, resulting in 12 blocks of platform.

The Nether in Nations contains all Nether biomes, and all Nether blocks and ores generate in it. In addition, several custom structures and landscapes are generated throughout the dimension. Valuable blocks may be found around those areas.

You are referring to our in-house schematic format we call Blueprints. The Blueprints page provides all the relevant information to get you started with the Blueprints, as well as a few hints and tricks you can use to further customize them. You can also have a look at this video which, although outdated, might help you create your first Blueprint within minutes.

Review all of your plugins to find out which one is the most likely to cause the issue. World management plugins or custom-coded ones that are interacting with worlds are to be investigated first. Either report the issue to their developers or fix the configuration files that are involved.

If you already have other BentoBox game modes running on your server, then things are a little more complex: 1. Stop the server 2. Change the config.yml value for the island distance to whatever you want. 3. Open the plugins/BentoBox/database/Island folder and delete all the files that start with the name of your game mode, e.g., BSkyBlock99ea1c15-f5f8-410a-9019-d6b843a5a254.json 4. Delete the worlds that the game modes made, for BSkyBlock, this is by default these folders in your server folder: bskyblock_world, bskyblock_world_nether, and bskyblock_world_the_end 5. Restart the server.

Biome customization is experimental. An experimental gameplay toggle must be enabled for each world that uses behavior packs containing biome definitions. What is currently available works well if declared correctly; however, incorrectly declared components and properties may result in crashing as opposed to just logged errors. Furthermore, due to issues caused by the inheritance model, the schema used for custom biomes is currently not well constructed.

Nether biome generation is bugged as of version 1.16.210. Nether biomes are now customized via the "multinoise_generation_rules" component. Custom biomes, however, currently cannot generate with this component. Meanwhile, usage of the old "nether_generation_rules" component in vanilla overrides will result in no generation of that biome in the Nether.

Behavior packs allow for the customization of biomes. A behavior pack can either create entirely new custom biomes or overrides for previously declared biomes, such as the vanilla biomes. Biomes hook into critical gameplay features, such as mob spawning, data-driven gameplay, and presentation of custom blocks. Biomes also enable a powerful system for adding decorations like flowers and trees, or even structures like towers and houses; these decorations and structures are together known as features, which are crucial to world generation but (generally) separate in scope and construction from biomes.

Custom biomes should be used when any unique gameplay experience is desired or if an adjustment to a previously declared biome would fundamentally change its nature. Examples of situations where custom biomes shine include:

Biome definition files can act as initial definitions or overrides depending on behavior pack ordering. The earliest appearance of a biome definition in a behavior pack stack marks the creation of a custom biome; subsequent definitions of the same biome in the behavior pack stack can modify or override earlier definitions through inheritance.

There is no way to indicate a property should be removed from earlier definitions. This can especially be troublesome with tags due to their usage in signifying biome placement and how they power other gameplay elements like mob spawning. If conflicts arise due to inheritance issues, it is recommended to extract the desired elements of a biome into a new custom biome and attempt to remove the old biome from world generation.

Biome layout is not randomized per world, only per seed. This means that if the same addons containing the same custom biome definitions are applied to two new worlds with the same seed, each dimension in both worlds will contain the exact same biome layout. This is obvious for vanilla generation, as the same seed will always generate the same vanilla biomes in the same places.

Vanilla biomes can typically be removed by de-weighting: setting the weights for their "generate_for_climates" property to 0 across all applicable climates. However, Minecraft actually has an aggressive fallback system in place to prevent generation failures caused by de-weighting, so such a strategy may not be enough to remove a biome. De-slotting or the addition of custom biomes may be necessary to remove a biome from generation.

Common land is the largest slot in the game, making up the vast majority of land. The majority of biomes in Minecraft are slotted here, such as Deserts, Dark Forests, Plains, and Swamps. By default, all custom biomes are slotted into common land unless marked otherwise.

Rare land slots are somewhat large but very uncommon regions of the Overworld set aside for biomes. Biomes are slotted here when the "rare" tag is applied to them. Examples of rare biomes in vanilla generation include Jungles in the medium climate, Mesas in the warm climate, and Giant Tree Taigas in the cold climate. No rare land exists in vanilla generation for the frozen climate, but this can be added via customization:

If all oceans are set not to generate via de-weighting, the game falls back to Frozen Ocean and Deep Frozen Ocean. Because of this fallback, the addition of a custom biome may be the only way to remove all the vanilla ocean biomes

While these islands do not technically form a slot and are instead sub-biomes, due to what is either a bug or an oversight, they are noted as a slot due to how they must be declared. Islands are never declared for a custom ocean biome and can only be separately grouped by ocean depth. Islands are declared using either the hills_transformation or mutate_transformation properties in the minecraft:overworld_generation_rules component only in override definitions for the ocean and deep_ocean biomes (even if these vanilla oceans have been de-weighted). Islands can also be declared as mutated hills if rarity is desired. Islands in vanilla only generate using hills sub-biomes and only in Deep Oceans; vanilla islands can therefore entirely be disabled by pointing the hills_transformation in an override for Deep Oceans to the Deep Ocean biome itself: 041b061a72


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