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Little GarfieldI do apologize if their previous inclusion was misleading or confusing to anyone out there, but nothing will ever be as confusing as their exclusion from the game to begin with.I should also apologize, I wasn't the nicest when I brought this up. I completely agree, I was really sad when they confirmed it wasn't a mistake and was "functioning as intended" with the same soundtrack.Little Garfieldthe fact that the version of Wii Rainbow Road (or any of the Wii tracks) were slightly altered for MKT in terms of their bass - as your images clearly seem to indicate - is actually new information to me.It seems I was actually wrong myself when I just went back to double check everything was how I thought it was. I went back to the -soundtracks/album/mario-kart-wii - Mario Kart Wii gamerip on this site which I didn't check before, and surprisingly it matches Tour once you match the volume (sorry [USER=2412411]@ego-lay_atman-bay[/USER], you were right that it was the same in Wii and Tour - however the song on the album was not). It turns out the platinum soundtrack is actually what is different - I got thrown off by it being in this album lol. Every single song in the platinum soundtrack sounds somewhat different if you compare it to the MKWii gamerip. I originally thought that was just due to it being higher quality, but part of me feels like the soundtrack uses more bass, even when trying to match the volume of certain instruments. The biggest example I can give to show what I mean is Koopa Cape, it sounds like it has way louder bass regardless of matching the volume level in the platinum soundtrack, Rainbow Road is a good one to tell the difference in the bass too when compared to the game's audio too. I thought that Tour had been mastering songs differently because I was comparing the Tour versions to the platinum soundtrack without knowing that it wasn't exactly the same as the versions in the Wii game but slightly higher quality. It also doesn't help that Tour is inconsistent with which versions of the songs they use from which game, for example I now realize most of the tracks use the MK7 versions (All retro tracks that were in 7 generally use the 7 version, with I believe 1 or 2 exceptions), except for Wii tracks which always use the Wii versions. Mario Kart 7 is what did a lot of changes to the songs, just listen to the difference of the =2-UKBHWhHtY - MKDS Battle Theme in Mario Kart 7 (Palm Shore) versus =pDpR0VDoIpY - the same song in Wii (DS Twilight House) - that should help show you why I thought this was the case. So when I originally thought there were mastering differences for Tour, I think all the mastering differences I thought existed were actually just the result of them using different versions of songs from different games. My bad on this one, I just figured this out the hard way.Little GarfieldNow how I ended up using the version of the song from the MKWii Platinum Soundtrack instead of the one from Tour's files is still beyond me, but I guess it wouldn't be the first time I would've messed up one of the songs without noticing. The only reason I even noticed this is because of what I said above about it being different sounding, it was such a weird thing for me to find out it sounded somewhat different than what was in the actual Mario Kart Wii files.Little GarfieldAlso, it just hit me that the name HalfHydra sounds super familiar to me, but I can't pin-point why.I did a lot of datamining stuff for the game for a couple years such as dumping the course data every tour, I stopped because I needed to focus on other life stuff. Maybe that's why