SLOW-PCfighter V1.1.81 Free Download !EXCLUSIVE!
SLOW-PCfighter also allows you to restore a good computer cleanliness. It detects the following problems in the registry: reg errors, leftovers from program installations, hidden startup programs, orphaned services, and more. It also allows you to restore a good computer cleanliness. It detects the following problems in Windows: registry errors, leftovers of program installations, hidden startup programs, orphaned services, and more. It also provides you with a list of the most problematic registry keys and values, a complete history of your computer system activity, and a detailed description of each registry key and value.
SLOW-PCfighter v1.1.81 Free Download
Runs on all Windows versions such as XP, Vista and 7, SLOW-PCfighter is the only registry cleaner on the market today that operates a 100% automated registry scan without breaking a sweat! RegBooster won the best software selection award in the category of "Windows Registry Management".
SLOW-PCfighter is a utility that allows you to fix the problems that slow down the performance of the PC. It can fix the errors, optimize the system settings and remove the unwanted application to make your PC work much faster. The developers of this software claim that it can even make your old computer work as if you have just bought a brand new computer.
SLOW-PCfighter supports three types of scanning: Registry Scan, Hardware Scan and Software Scan. The scan order is scan by scan, the first scan will be performed after the installation of the tool. All the drivers found by SLOW-PCfighter will be updated by an automatic way, making sure that you will always have the latest drivers installed on your machine.